Friday 28 June 2013

Assignment 4 Task 5- Re-draft Final Evaluation

For our advert we created a advert for a product which is a box collection of video games including; Minecraft, resident evil, Assassins creed.

Our target audience male/female ranging from 16+

The idea for the advert was to crate parody of a real news report to grab the attention of the audience and interest them when they realise it is not real and want to find out what is occurring. and make it appropriate and interesting for our target audience which is male and females from 16 plus.

To correctly evaluate the final advert we had to gather feedback from the audience to gauge how successful certain aspects of the advert were. To perform this evaluation and to gain some qualitative data we implemented a focus group  showing the advert to a panel with a variation types of audiences in age and preference as well as getting some quantitative information in the form of hosting an online survey on survey monkey.

The questions I asked for these feedback groups are;

  1. What product do you think this advert is for?
  2. What does this advert tell you about this game collection?
  3. What do you think is the focus of target audience for this advert?
  4. What would you rate the technical skill of this advert i.e. the camerawork and costumes?
  5. What do you like about the advert?
  6. What would you rate this advert out of 10?

The reasons I asked these questions are, in order;
1.       We asked this question to clarify if the audience understood what was actually advertised

2.       We asked this question to make sure we were not misrepresenting the individual characters and we were showing the collection in a good light

3.       We asked this question to ensure that the viewer’s thought the advert was appropriate for the intended audience and effective for them

4.       We asked this question to check if there was any flawed areas in the advert specifically that needed to be improved

5.       We asked this question to know what is the best factor of the advert to build upon and not to remove in a later version of the advert.

6.       We asked this question to see if this advert is good enough for public release or it needed improvements before that point

I believe the advert is an effective parody of a serious news report and it uses the key conventions of a live news report effectively, the use of the static mid shot of the news reporter and scrolling text at the bottom of the screen fits with the key conventions of the genre. I think the move to hand camera to convey panic and allow the audience to understand the situation that is unfolding which gives a sense of urgency. The use of white noise and static also hint that something is going to go wrong because of the problems with the reporters broadcast. I also believe that the idea is clever to implement a scenario from one of the games with the zombie attack which subtly links to one of the games.

I also feel that the advert is very memorable because the audience’s attention is grabbed upon the realisation that this isn’t a real news report. And this realisation is quickly provided by the silly scrolling text on the bottom of the screen which would otherwise frighten and panic the audience.
To improve this advert I would slow down the scrolling text so it was easier to view, add more information on the end screen such as available stores for purchase. The Mise en scène could have used some improvement in the sense that the news reporter would need to wear a suit and with more time we could have improved the zombies costume to look more like ones from the game.

Overall I am pleased with how the advert has turned out and if I was to attempt it again I believe I would create an even better advert.

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