Tuesday 4 June 2013

Assignment 3 task 2 Production

Upon collecting the equipment provided by the school and signing it out we proceeded to make our way on site to our filming location and proceeded to check the hazards of the location while we set up the equipment. After deciding all applicable hazards of the site where safe and the crew and cast understood what and where they were, we proceeded to move into positions to take the first few shots.

By making sure we filmed at midday on a sunny day with a clear sky we didn't need to worry about lighting as it was consistent throughout the filming period.

When instructing the actors and crew members we gave them a rundown of the storyboard and how each person fit into it to give a general idea where everyone needed to be, we then prosseded to tell the actors to improvise for the first few takes to get a rough feel of where people needed to be and tweek how sections where performed minorly so the final advert ran fluidly. we then proseeded to inform the actors exactly where they needed to be and introduced signs so the actors knew when do a certain action i.e run in from the left and the zombie to start attacking.

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