Friday 28 June 2013

Assignment 4 Task 3 - present the results

These are the result of the focus group
do a pie chart of the overall scores on excell or something

Group results: 

Results 1

  1. A game of some description.
  2. Has a zombie game in it and is aimed, in part at older audience members.
  3. Older fans and young adults.
  4. 6 - Slower text, camera was a bit too shaky.
  5. Speed of action matched the situation, sense of chaos from the on-site reporter.
  6. 6/10.
Results 2

  1. A horror film/ Video game.
  2. That it will be full of suspense and *translation needed*
  3. Young people 16-35.
  4. 8/10 Perhaps more variety of shot types. A little hand held could .
Results 3

  1. I think the advert is for Resident Evil 6.
  2. The advert shows me that this game collection includes the zombie game "Resident Evil"
  3. The target audience is young adults who enjoy gaming.
  4. 6/10 - The one shot set up works for the news reporter theme but some different zooms going in and out of focus would improve the feel of the advert. The costumes could have been improved slightly by wearing by wearing what news reporters wear (suit).
  5. I enjoyed the humour of the advert and the scrolling news bar with the camera set up made it feel like a genuine breaking news story.
  6. 7/10.

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