Friday 28 June 2013

Assignment 4 Task 5- Re-draft Final Evaluation

For our advert we created a advert for a product which is a box collection of video games including; Minecraft, resident evil, Assassins creed.

Our target audience male/female ranging from 16+

The idea for the advert was to crate parody of a real news report to grab the attention of the audience and interest them when they realise it is not real and want to find out what is occurring. and make it appropriate and interesting for our target audience which is male and females from 16 plus.

To correctly evaluate the final advert we had to gather feedback from the audience to gauge how successful certain aspects of the advert were. To perform this evaluation and to gain some qualitative data we implemented a focus group  showing the advert to a panel with a variation types of audiences in age and preference as well as getting some quantitative information in the form of hosting an online survey on survey monkey.

The questions I asked for these feedback groups are;

  1. What product do you think this advert is for?
  2. What does this advert tell you about this game collection?
  3. What do you think is the focus of target audience for this advert?
  4. What would you rate the technical skill of this advert i.e. the camerawork and costumes?
  5. What do you like about the advert?
  6. What would you rate this advert out of 10?

The reasons I asked these questions are, in order;
1.       We asked this question to clarify if the audience understood what was actually advertised

2.       We asked this question to make sure we were not misrepresenting the individual characters and we were showing the collection in a good light

3.       We asked this question to ensure that the viewer’s thought the advert was appropriate for the intended audience and effective for them

4.       We asked this question to check if there was any flawed areas in the advert specifically that needed to be improved

5.       We asked this question to know what is the best factor of the advert to build upon and not to remove in a later version of the advert.

6.       We asked this question to see if this advert is good enough for public release or it needed improvements before that point

I believe the advert is an effective parody of a serious news report and it uses the key conventions of a live news report effectively, the use of the static mid shot of the news reporter and scrolling text at the bottom of the screen fits with the key conventions of the genre. I think the move to hand camera to convey panic and allow the audience to understand the situation that is unfolding which gives a sense of urgency. The use of white noise and static also hint that something is going to go wrong because of the problems with the reporters broadcast. I also believe that the idea is clever to implement a scenario from one of the games with the zombie attack which subtly links to one of the games.

I also feel that the advert is very memorable because the audience’s attention is grabbed upon the realisation that this isn’t a real news report. And this realisation is quickly provided by the silly scrolling text on the bottom of the screen which would otherwise frighten and panic the audience.
To improve this advert I would slow down the scrolling text so it was easier to view, add more information on the end screen such as available stores for purchase. The Mise en scène could have used some improvement in the sense that the news reporter would need to wear a suit and with more time we could have improved the zombies costume to look more like ones from the game.

Overall I am pleased with how the advert has turned out and if I was to attempt it again I believe I would create an even better advert.

Assignment 4 Task 4 - finished product

We were creating a advert for product which is a box collection of video games including; Minecraft, resident evil, Assassins creed.


Our target audience male/female ranging from 16+


The idea for the advert was to crate parody of a real news report to grab the attention of the audience and interest them when they realise it is not real and want to find out what is occurring.


To correctly evaluate the final advert we had to gather feedback from the audience to gauge how successful certain aspects of the advert were. To perform this evaluation we implemented a focus group (qualitative) showing the advert to a panel with a variation types of audiences in age and preference as well as hosting an online survey on survey monkey (quantitative).


The questions I asked for these feedback groups are;

  1. What product do you think this advert is for?
  2. What does this advert tell you about this game collection?
  3. What do you think is the focus of target audience for this advert?
  4. What would you rate the technical skill of this advert i.e. the camerawork and costumes?
  5. What do you like about the advert?
  6. What would you rate this advert out of 10?


The reasons I asked these questions are, in order;


1.       We asked this question to clarify if the audience understood what was actually advertised

2.       We asked this question to make sure we were not misrepresenting the individual characters and we were showing the collection in a good light

3.       We asked this question to ensure that the viewer’s thought the advert was appropriate for the intended audience and effective for them

4.       We asked this question to check if there was any flawed areas in the advert specifically that needed to be improved

5.       We asked this question to know what is the best factor of the advert to build upon and not to remove in a later version of the advert.

6.       We asked this question to see if this advert is good enough for public release or it needed improvements before that point
I believe the advert is an effective parody of a serious news report and it uses the key conventions of a live news report effectively, the use of the static mid shot of the news reporter and scrolling text at the bottom of the screen fits with the key conventions of the genre.
I think the move to hand camera to convey panic and allow the audience to understand the situation that is unfolding which gives a sense of urgency.
The use of white noise and static also hint that something is going to go wrong because of the problems with the reporters broadcast.
I also believe that the idea is clever to implement a scenario from one of the games with the zombie attack which subtly links to one of the games.
I also feel that the advert is very memorable because the audience’s attention is grabbed upon the realisation that this isn’t a real news report. And this realisation is quickly provided by the silly scrolling text on the bottom of the screen which would otherwise frighten and panic the audience.
To improve this advert I would slow down the scrolling text so it was easier to view, add more information on the end screen such as available stores for purchase. The Mise en scène could have used some improvement in the sense that the news reporter would need to wear a suit and with more time we could have improved the zombies costume to look more like ones from the game.
Overall I am pleased with how the advert has turned out and if I was to attempt it again I believe I would create an even better advert

Assignment 4 Task 3 - present the results

These are the result of the focus group
do a pie chart of the overall scores on excell or something

Group results: 

Results 1

  1. A game of some description.
  2. Has a zombie game in it and is aimed, in part at older audience members.
  3. Older fans and young adults.
  4. 6 - Slower text, camera was a bit too shaky.
  5. Speed of action matched the situation, sense of chaos from the on-site reporter.
  6. 6/10.
Results 2

  1. A horror film/ Video game.
  2. That it will be full of suspense and *translation needed*
  3. Young people 16-35.
  4. 8/10 Perhaps more variety of shot types. A little hand held could .
Results 3

  1. I think the advert is for Resident Evil 6.
  2. The advert shows me that this game collection includes the zombie game "Resident Evil"
  3. The target audience is young adults who enjoy gaming.
  4. 6/10 - The one shot set up works for the news reporter theme but some different zooms going in and out of focus would improve the feel of the advert. The costumes could have been improved slightly by wearing by wearing what news reporters wear (suit).
  5. I enjoyed the humour of the advert and the scrolling news bar with the camera set up made it feel like a genuine breaking news story.
  6. 7/10.

Assignment 4 Task 2 - screening

How im going to perform audience feedback

To gather audience feedback i am going to be carrying out a post production focus group to find out results for my advert as well as creating a online survey on "survey monkey"

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

    Audience feedback is essential to a successful advert as it provides information such as if the advert is actually enjoyable, if it is annoying and if it gets the required message across. this allows you to change the advert if it is annoying for example otherwise it would put people off the advert they are advertising.

in my surveys im going to be asking these questions;
  1. What product do you think this advert is for?
  2. What does this advert tell you about this game collection?
  3. What do you think is the focus of target audience for this advert?
  4. What would you rate the technical skill of this advert i.e the camerawork and costumes?
  5. What do you like about the advert?
  6. What would you rate this advert out of 10?
What these questions will tell me
1. Will provide information wether or not the advert has been clear enough to portray the product that is advertised.
2. Will provide information wether or not we have been successful in portraying the characters correctly to there respective games.
3. Will provide information if the advert focuses on the audience intended.
4. Provides information wether the advert could of been improved.
5. specifies what was worked best about the advert so if the advert ever got remade it would be known what to focus centralize the advert around.
6. provides a overall success value for the advert. to know if the advert was successful or needs a large amount of change.
By showcasing my advert to students and teachers i get reliable results from technical feedback by teachers and enjoyably feedback from the students, to improve on my screening i would showcase my advert to more people and gather results from the questions from more people.

Assignment 4 Task 1- Sources of information

The pre-production documents where useful to me to some extent but mostly they just provided a reminder of what was needed/what needs to be looked out for e.c.t.

Location Visit Sheet
This was helpful to some extent as it did not give me any information i required apart from reminding me of the location where the advert is to be recorded, which i already knew and the safety hazards of the location of filming which were already understood and considered.

Contingency plan
This was not useful to me as luckily we did not encounter any problems which would require the use of it however it would of been very useful to know what to do if something did go wrong.

Risk assessment

This was helpful to some degree as it provided information on the hazards we faced while filming and how we could rectify them which we did use extensively therefore it effectively fits the role it was required for. This could be improved by providing details of how to respond to weather problems.

Production budget
This would of been helpful if we had to buy the equipment and costumes however due to having the equipment needed in school, having the costumes already and access to the school's editing software we did not need to buy anything therefore the budget wasn't needed. If we did have to buy equipment and such we would require the budget to make sure we have everything we need and stick within the amount of money we planned to spend. This could be improved by making the layout a bit more clear so it is easier to read.

Costumes and props

Included in the Budget document, This was also reasonably useful as it showed who needed what costume and acted as a check list to make sure everybody had what they required for the advert. This could of been improved by adding more information about the props and costumes so everybody knew exactly what they were.

Production schedule
This was helpful for me to some extent as it organised specific times to have certain days to have things completed by and to get certain things done by. however due to various problems meeting these deadlines was sometimes impossible.

Friday 7 June 2013

Assignment 3 task 3 Post production

Organising the bin-
 As we captured footage we separated it into two sections Untitled 11 and untitled 12 which contained the 1st and 2nd halves of our advert respectively. We split this up do there wasn't as much footage to go though at a time as we edited, editing together just the 1st half instead of looking all though the footage to get a take for the first half.

Range of editing tools

As i constructed my advert I used two editing tools to get the best out of it, such being; "Bad TV" and overlaying scrolling text and shapes. By manipulating a rectangle I created in final cut pro I managed to create a relatively professional looking news Headline bar at the bottom of the advert, once combined with the scrolling Text, Of which I created in Live Type and overlayed on the bar and making minor adjustments to the size of the bar and text size and font. Using "Bad TV" on some sections of the advert to provide transitions and to cut up the action emphasised the erraticness and chaos of the situation as the zombie attacks.
  Additionally i imported a image from Google by saving it onto the mac and dragging it into the bin and then onto the time line, of which I also overlayed text onto and made smaller and larger on the time line to adjust how long I wanted it to show at the end of the advert.


Exporting the film using the correct format settings

To Export The finished advert I used the steps shown in the first picture which comprise of selecting export in the file menu and then "using QuickTime Conversion" Then selection the MPEG-4  Format and MPEG-4 Improved video format on the next section and a resolution of 1280 x 720. Upon confirming these settings the advert is saved on the mac under the settings desired.

Uploading to YouTube
Making the advert accessible

I chose YouTube to host my advert as it is used by many people and a large amount of users of the site fit my advert demographic. To upload my advert to YouTube i prosseded to sign in then click the upload button on the top left and chose the file of the advert and after the file is uploaded I title and add a description to the advert and save compleating the uploading proccess making the advert viewable to the general masses allowing constructive criticism and comments on the finished product.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Assignment 3 task 2 Production

Upon collecting the equipment provided by the school and signing it out we proceeded to make our way on site to our filming location and proceeded to check the hazards of the location while we set up the equipment. After deciding all applicable hazards of the site where safe and the crew and cast understood what and where they were, we proceeded to move into positions to take the first few shots.

By making sure we filmed at midday on a sunny day with a clear sky we didn't need to worry about lighting as it was consistent throughout the filming period.

When instructing the actors and crew members we gave them a rundown of the storyboard and how each person fit into it to give a general idea where everyone needed to be, we then prosseded to tell the actors to improvise for the first few takes to get a rough feel of where people needed to be and tweek how sections where performed minorly so the final advert ran fluidly. we then proseeded to inform the actors exactly where they needed to be and introduced signs so the actors knew when do a certain action i.e run in from the left and the zombie to start attacking.

Monday 3 June 2013

Contingency Plan Assignment 3 task 1

Contingency Plan

Programme title: Purple box

Client: Rocksteady, Mojang, Capcom, Ubisoft, atari

Writer: Harry Smith

Producer: Sinister butterfly productions

Director: Harry Smith

Date: april 2013

Potential problems and how to overcome these problems

  1. Any unavailable crew will be covered by standby crew.
  2. All equipment are booked for a week incase shooting dates are changed due to weather or sections need to be reshot.
  3. If the camera breaks at any point a spare has been rented to replace.
  4. if we come across any problems or damage to equipment that needs replacing we have allocated a contingency fund of 10% of our total budget being £275.50.

Advert budget Assignment 3 task 1

Advert budget

equipment for 5 days tripod, camera + camera replacement, - £293

  • Microphone- Sony UWP-C1/V1 wireless mic and receiver--£92

  • Sony DCR-TRV480E -£80

  • Fluid Tripod -£41

Costumes - Steve, Assassins creed, - £217.54
-Officially Licensed Minecraft 12" Steve Head Costume Cardboard Mask - £119
-Assassin's Creed EZIO Costume 2 II anime cosplay NEW - £98.54

editing 3 days (maximum)- £4

  • 4-4 Pin Firewire Cable-£4

Total Production Budget - £514.54
Contingency funds (10%)- £51.45
Total budget with contingency-£565.99

Pre-production planning Assignment 3 task 1

Proposal for "the purple box"
Prepared by
Harry Smith

Sinister dimensions productions

21st May 2013

clients- Rocksteady, Mojang, Capcom, Ubisoft, atari

copyright © 2013

Proposal for "the purple box"

Sinister dimensions productions has currently planned a 30 seconds long advert suitable for TV broadcasting set in a fake news report format. this advert will be aimed at a audience of 15-21 year olds, and will give unique references to each game in the box set throughout.

This advert will feature two different locations a fake news station and on scene at a park in "Racoon city".

The advert starts with the fake news report at the station with reports of chaos due to the release of a new game box "The purple box" which then brings the report to the park with the reporter there who randomly interviews characters from the games in the game box.

this will then lead to cutting back to the news station where chaos will ensue and the station gets attacked by zombies which will lead to a blank screen and then information on the product. (how much it costs, what the box looks like, where it can be bought and the products website)

The advert will be recorded with Sony DCR-TRV480E and the budget will be approximately £600.

Risk Assessment Sheet Assignment 3 task 1

Risk Assessment Sheet

Client: Rocksteady, Mojang, Capcom, Ubisoft, atari

Writer: Harry Smith

Producer: Sinister butterfly productions

Director: Harry Smith

Date: april 2013

Major issues:

Filming location:

  • Cable trip hazard from microphone cable
  • uneven ground
  • slipping in water puddles
  • contamination of equipment from waste on set

  • cleary mark out microphone the cable with hazard tape
  • pre warn crew about hazard
  • assess set for amount of water and if to much we will not film on that day
  • cover equipment with plastic 

Location Visit Sheet Assignment 3 task 1

Production Schedule - Location Visit Sheet

 Client- Rocksteady, Mojang, Capcom, Ubisoft, atari

Writer- Harry Smith

Producer - Sinister butterfly productions

Director - Harry Smith

Date - april 2013

The Slack in The Chase- Fitting location being a flat field with a city background and various trees
this fits perfectly with the planned events in the advert such as a character attempting to cut down a tree and another hiding behind a bush

Health and Safety- 
Uneven ground- need to make sure crew do not trip or fall

Potential filming problems- 
No electrical supply- all equipment will have to rely on battery power thus recording time is limited
No access to lights- so advert will have to be recorded in sunny days
The crew need to be aware of walkers incase they get in shot by accident.

The Chase satellite view-

The Chase map view-

Thursday 30 May 2013

Assignment 2 task 4

 potential problems with advert
inclusion of problems
 effect/ how to resolvent
copyright music
N/A no music used.
Would need owners permission to use music if used / use under 10 seconds.
copyright of ideas
* See Assignment 2 task 2
 * See Assignment 2 task 2
risky content,
Can cause the time the advert is shown  to be limited past a certain time to avoid it being viewed by inappropriate audiences.
false advertising
Advert could be mistaken as game footage.
This causes viewers to believe falsely of the product of what occors in the games however this can be resolved by stating in the advert that this is not game footage throughout.
product placement
Individualisation of products included in the game box at the end of the advert.
Contact owners of products advertised for approval of the use of products as presented in the advert.