Wednesday 29 May 2013

Assignment 2 task 2

Task 2
 how i came up with idea

My idea for the advert is to make a series of news report style adverts to promote a new game collection called the purple box.

i've desided to use the characters from the games over a series of adverts that can be showen at different times across one evening. the idea to use a news report is so that the advert is a parody of real life and will draw the audiences attention. im going to have footage as if it was from a live report on site and have scrolling text at the bottom of the screen to make it seem more realistic. however the text is going to be silly so people will realise the advert isnt a real news report and wont get scared.
 In the advert we are going to see the reporter expain the dangourous avents occor and then comes across a person who warns the reporter and crew to get out of the area which upon warning the reporter  the person comes under attack by a monster and the reporter and crew proceed to run away with the stranger being attacked in the background which cuts out to static and i will finish the advert off with a game image and a release date.

For task 2 i decided to make a trailer for a game box set and in these trailers are examples of the official trailers for these games

In this live action trailer provides a hype over the game though the waiting for the release of the product and its quality provides a unrealistic view of the quality of the finished game

 These sorts of adverts take highlights from key points of the games included and use this to excite the consumer And make them believe that these games are going to be very action packed

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