Thursday 7 February 2013

T5- Methods of research Assignment 1

It is always important to conduct research before you start planning a advertising campaign so yo know all the details of your target audience so your campaign firstly applys correctly to your target audience and secondly has as much impact as possible on your target audience.

There are 4 different types of research methods and all are needed for different reasons and to fit certain situations such-as being very reliable or covering a wide amount of people.

There is also 3 different types of research being Audience, Market and production.

  • Audience research is the research of who you are designing for i.e
  • Market research is the research of what you are designing for i.e What isn't already being sold , what is popular at the moment.
  • Production research is the the research of how your going to make your product/service
 There is also 4 different types types of research methods

  • primary research- this is research that the researcher has done themselves personally which is new and unique therefore reliable and the research answers for specific data they are researching, however this process takes more time than other research methods. i.e when you need to research 
  • secondary research-This is research done by other people and has information extracted from it for the use of the thing being researched this allows quick gathering of information however this can be unreliable research as you cannot guarantee how reliably it was made
  • quantitative research- this is simple research on the numbers of a subject i.e how many people like this. do this? the benefit of this research is it can be measured, simple and can be graphically represented in bar charts or pie charts, however the only disadvantage is it may not provide the level of information required for the research
  • qualitative research- This type of research is one of the hardest to pull off it is the research of how people feel and think about something, however this makes measuring the results very difficult as there is a possibility of a wide range of results because people have a wide range of personnel views and feelings