Tuesday 23 October 2012

T1 + T2 assignment 1

T1+T2 forms of TV advertising

There are many forms of advertising; these include: Animation, series, standalone, gimicy, realist narrative, documentary, and non-realist.


Animations are great tools for advertising as they allow the creation of near enough anything that our current technology can handle creating there own worlds that draw you in and interest you which subsequently makes you want to get the product as you link it with this interest however you also have to consider that adverts take time and lots of money to make, and can seem to forceful because of how full on some adverts can also put people of though the distancing of a too unreal weird advert.


Series are another good example off effective advertising. They consist of a group of adverts which have a story which usually use the/incorporate the product or service being advertised to resolve the situations in them. these make people interested in buying the product because people want to see more of the series adverts to see how they end. however these adverts can quickly become tiresome if they are repeatedly shown which provides the opposite effect and makes people dislike the advert series.


standalone adverts are your standard one and done situation that the product is highlighted/tested/used/resolved. these adverts are unique and can provide interest because they are a new type of advert. due to it being only one advert they can become easily forgotten.


Documentaries use tests and explanations of there products and services to adverstise
text based. these communicate and show how effective the product is so therefore the audience will want to buy it because they think it is the best product. However this can backfire and because the actors could seem to fake and will make the audience think that the advert is lying.

 Talking heads

Talking heads consist of a person speaking about the product directly to the camera. These make the product seem more everyday and normal as it seems the person is personally talking to you so feel compelled to follow there advise/ suggestions and get the product. However the person talking can annoy you or seem rude which would put you off the product as-well as you might be distrustful as you may not actually be shown the product or what they are saying so have no reason to trust them.

Realistic narrative

Realist narratives are adverts that provide a realistic story linked to the product advertised for example in the Persil advert the children are doing dirty activities and all the dirt is washed away with persil. Like the talking heads adverts this can bring a sense of normality to the product making it feel like it is the best way to resolve these everyday problems.  Although its everyday normality can leave it not standing out and therefore forgettable.

Non-realistic narrative

Non-realistic adverts are exactly what they say, adverts that provide a non-realistic story linked to the product advertised for example in this Oasis advert there is a monster rubber duck that doesn't like water and likes Oasis instead par to the drinks slogan "for those who don't like water". these unique adverts are memorable and make you think of them when you see them so you want to try the product to see what the fuss was about. Although they can be seen as ridiculous or over the top putting viewers off the product.
Surrealism- such being un-realistic makes the advert memorable because there is nothing else like it.


Parody is a effective way to create memorable adverts on the backs of others as it twists the original or ads on to it to make it funny and advertise for there product instead of the original product. this allows the success of a previous advert make the new product look just as good or even better.


Shock creates effective adverts as they are unexpected and emotionally effect the audience this makes them very memorable because you are reminded of the shocking consequences when you see the product/action reminding you to buy/not buy and do/not do what the advert tells you to.

Famous faces

Adverts of Famous faces which are adverts which include celebrity's and other generally well known people. these adverts make the audience if they like the person talking will cause them to most of the time like the product advertised straight away because the audience thinks "oh my favorite actor likes this drink it must be good i will have to try it" for example.

Humour & famous faces
the use of robert webb who has been in sitcoms such as peep show and numerous other comedies known for his awkward humour gags and his involvement in this advert makes the audience want to see what he is talking about and explore the website because he is a well known comedian and people like him so they will want to know what he is saying.
The advert is memorable because the jokes are so bad that there funny and therefore talked about and memorable
using famous faces is successful as the service provided by compare the market is personal so the famous faces can provide a personal link that entice the viewer to to go on the website.